I have been practicing naturopathic medicine in my hometown of Victoria since 1999.  I have a full family practice with an emphasis on women’s and men’s hormonal health, thyroid and adrenal balance, chronic infections such as lyme disease, mast cell activation, dysautonomia, collaborative cancer care and prevention, childhood health and wellbeing, gastrointestinal disorders and cardiovascular disease. I use nutritional counselling; nutritional supplementation; herbal medicine; IV therapeutics; and the cautious prescribing of pharmaceutical medications in my practice. Most of all I focus on building strong and caring relationships with my patients as I assist them with the health issues they have encountered.  I use my curiosity, research skills and intuition to bring light to health concerns that have yet to be diagnosed and I have a methodical and common sense approach to treatment.



IV Therapeutics 

ILADS Practitioner Training

Heavy Metal Chelation

Pharmaceutical Prescribing 

CPR and Advanced First Aid

Pollenguard Allergy Skin Scratch Testing and Desensitization

Bioimpedance Analysis 


My family and I moved from Victoria to Saltspring Island in 1973.  I was exposed to nature, vegetable gardens, recycling and physicians practicing alternative medicine long before it was commonplace.  I feel extremely fortunate to have been given such a rich childhood. In 1984 we moved back to Victoria where I completed high school at Oak Bay Secondary School.  It was here I found the sciences and knew that I wanted a career in medicine. I moved onto UVIC where I graduated with distinction, obtaining a Bachelor of Science with a focus on Biochemistry and Microbiology. 

 With degree in hand I had the opportunity to explore my vision of the future. After much research and some wonderful experiences with alternative therapies I decided on Naturopathic Medicine.  I applied to Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington due to its science based approach and excellent faculty.

 In 1995 I moved to Seattle and began a very intense four year journey. I had the privilege of working for the Associate Dean of the Naturopathic Medicine Program gaining valuable insight into the history, philosophy and politics of naturopathic medicine.

 In 1999 I joined Dr. Sheree Chapell at the Hawthorne Naturopathic Centre and for 16 years I nurtured a medical practice and my beautiful family. I then moved on to Saanich Medical Centre which was an incredible learning experience and where I really began to create a vision of my own future clinic.

Here I am now in my own practice, spreading my wings and enjoying the maturity of a long medical practice. I continue to learn every day not only from my patients but from my husband Mike, of 33 years, and my two amazing children, Spencer and Evelyn.